Artisanal embroidery is a talent passed down from generation to generation; it is learned from childhood and practiced throughout life.
The embroideries of San Antonino Velasco exemplify this tradition. This community, located in the district of Oaxaca, with a population of 6,064 inhabitants to date, where at least 50% of the population is engaged in artisanal embroidery, from design to production and sales.

Different groups of artisans come together as families to create their workshops and collaborate. They organize themselves as groups, collectives, or social cooperatives, and this allows them to have more efficient work structures, assign responsibilities, and work on greater projects. Thanks to this, artisans continue to follow processes and work methods that not only allow them to offer their wonderful art but also to deliver quality service to their clients.
The process behind these beautiful embroideries begins with their design. The garment model, the type of embroidery, the application, and the combination of colors are some steps in the process.

The Andrea Embroidered Scarf Top

The designs are developed considering the local embroidery techniques and types, and the proposals are discussed and finalized in detail by our artisans.
The tracing is an essential step that requires experience to follow a pattern, paying attention to details, and adhering to the designs. The artisans begin the embroidery by following the final patterns and striving for the best finishes with dedication and quality in the technique.

Finally, we have a piece full of life and tradition in a modern design that is a must-have in your closet.
The Macfarland Vest in White with Blues