Inspiration for Women by Women

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The Marvelous Process of Growing Silk Worms

Sericulture is the name given to the process of producing silk cocoons and silk-based textile materials. The silkworm is a very rare insect with specific characteristics and amazing benefits. The silkworm, as any other animal, requires time to grow and survive as part of the process to produce the so-desired raw silk material.

To the Rescue of Artisanal Silk

The process of handmade silk is a process in which patience and perseverance are essential to achieve the desired results, and is often undervalued by the market. LPC in its new black label collection begins its collaboration with the group of artisans "Artesanos de Seda de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca" in San Pedro Cajonos community, to bring a little piece of this wonderful art and support the preservation of this arduous work.