Artisanal production represents two significant economic activities within indigenous communities, with a particular focus on women in Mexico. In the realm of craftsmanship, the empowerment of these women signifies the development of well-organized associations that have adhered to and evolved under guidelines over decades, resulting in substantial benefits for themselves and their families. The groups that LPC collaborates with, are a prime example of this.

At La Peony, a fundamental value we hold dear is the Fair-Trade Ethical Fashion Movement, and we are truly committed to this cause. Our efforts not only revolve around the consumption of artisanal textiles but go beyond that; we aim to connect with, learn about, and support the preservation of culture and traditions.


The hands of the artisan weave together the traditional and historical fabric of Mexico. More than a craft, this work is a way of life - and for many, the only means of economic support. When we wear these fine Mexican textiles, we help to preserve and support a cultural practice built on generations teaching and supporting each other.

In particular, LPC has been working with artisans groups from several communities in Oaxaca, México, which offers marvelous traditions and history behind every technique artisans use.


  • Santo Tomás Jalieza

    In this community, more than 90% of people practice artisanal textiles, it is one of the most significant economic activities, alongside fieldwork. It was the first community that LPC collaborated with, supporting traditions and involving more than 60 women who work together to showcase this wonderful art to the world. LPC has had the opportunity not only to incorporate these artisanal textiles into its collections but also to contribute economically to improving their market where they sell their products.

    The Union of Artisans of Santo Tomás Jalieza, in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, has a history of over 60 years, proudly preserving the talents of some of its founding members who continue to pass down their skills to subsequent generations.

  • San Pedro Cajonos

    This community is located in the North Sierra of Oaxaca, and thanks to the group of artisans 'Artesanos de Seda de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca,' this marvelous process of artisanal silk has endured for decades. At a pivotal moment in the 1990s, Moisés, the leader of the group, and his family, revitalized this activity, making it the most important source of income for the community. They strengthened the position of this craft in the market, emphasizing the intricate process of raising silkworms, harvesting their cocoons, transforming them into fine threads, and weaving beautiful garments that LPC has incorporated into their collections.

  • San Antonino Castillo Velasco

    This is the most recent community that has joined La Peony. Handmade embroideries, created without the use of machines, are internationally recognized, enhancing the traditions and identity represented by this beautiful craftsmanship.

    The embroideries are characterized by the use of flowers, such as pansy flowers, and ancestral embroidery techniques like the 'hazme si puedes' (literally, 'make me if you can'), named for the degree of complexity it entails. The experience and dedication are reflected in each vibrant and floral-filled piece. LPC has collaborated to develop a line that combines innovation in design with the traditions and history of this ancestral heritage.


For us, this may appear as a beautiful craft, for them, it is their identity and history.

Traditions are not merely a means of making a living; they encompass what they know, what they represent, and how they connect as a community, and LPC  is proudly part of this piece of Mexican culture.