Just south of the border are historic artisanal villages, home to the world's most renowned textile artisans and weavers. Trust us-it's impossible not to fall in love with rich textures and bright colors that naturally originate across Oaxaca, Mexico.
As a sustainable fashion brand, we wanted our collection's pieces to be ethically made and incorporate their enriching culture. Artisan Expert and Professor Cristy Macfarland made that possible by connecting Melony and De Anne with talented women in Mexico.
What Are Oaxacan Textiles?
Historical and contemporary weaving techniques date back centuries. With Oaxaca being home to several indigenous communities, it's no surprise there are various unique textile traditions.
In the past, hand-woven and hand spun garments were primarily used for ceremonies and daily wear. Although the use and function of clothing and style have evolved, the process remains the same.
Some woven goods are created on shuttles and produced on wood backstrap and pedal looms. Other goods are handmade embroidered. Communities continue to use natural dyes, fibers, and techniques in line with slow fashion. The conservation of textile traditions is important to us at LPC.

Cristy Macfarland: Preserving Traditions in Oaxaca
We sat down with Cristy Macfarland, an extraordinary professor and entrepreneur.
Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself!
A: I am the fifth of six children and have been married for 11 years to Alejandro. Together we have two beautiful children: Alex and Carlitos.

My career began in marketing before I followed the path of academia. Studying creative and rural tourism led me to explore rural communities and artisanal skills.
In another aspect of my life, entrepreneurship is a form of professional development that has also moved me to different projects. Among them, Micielo, a company of handmade bags that I founded some years ago. Working with other partners allowed me to live other experiences with artisans in Mexico.
Q: What goes into the process of finding textiles and weaves from artisans?A: There are a lot of factors to consider: the skills, techniques, materials, work processes, and experience of the artisans.
Textiles may come from different origins and have various meanings related to their way of life and community.
The tools are often made by artisans directly throughout the country. You can find different types, such as the backstrap loom or the pedal loom, as well as their different shapes and capacities.
Q: How closely do you work with the artisans?
A: I have had the experience of collaborating with artisans from the academic path to entrepreneurship and now consulting with La Peony Clothing.
The work starts by understanding their capabilities, talents, techniques, designs, materials, production times, customs, and ways of life before exploring the possibilities of collaboration.
Q: Why is it important to you that fashion businesses or designers collaborate with artisans?
A: Trends and new generations set a course in fashion with a focus on slow fashion, but the social problems concentrated in rural areas are always urgent. Fashion is a way to boost traditions and customs and create opportunities for all while following trends.
Q: What is it about the job that inspires you?
A: I love being a teacher. It's a talent I discovered very young, and I deeply fell in love with it. Being close to new generations and accompanying them in one of the most important decisions of their lives is inspiring!
Equally inspiring is collaborating with artisans, learning from their talents, and promoting their work. It's not only an extraordinary work full of culture and tradition but also represents Mexico. As a Mexican, it not only inspires me, it fills me with pride.
Q: What do you appreciate most about working with La Peony Clothing
A: Collaboration and social impact by opening opportunities for vulnerable groups such as artisans inspire me daily.
The frequency of the trips depends on the project, the needs, and the objectives. Working with artisans is important for designing and crafting techniques. By understanding the processes and using the right tools, you can achieve the desired concept and affect the designs.
Q: What was your most memorable vacation with family or friends?
A: Our trips to Mexican beaches and specifically to Oaxacan beaches are always our favorite and are part of the natural richness of the state of Oaxaca itself.
Spanish Version
Q: ¡Cuéntanos un poco sobre ti!
A: Soy el quinto de seis hijos y estoy casado desde hace 11 años con Alejandro. Juntos tenemos dos hermosos hijos: Alex y Carlitos.
Mi carrera comenzó en marketing antes de seguir el camino de la academia. Estudiar turismo creativo y rural me llevó a explorar las comunidades rurales y las habilidades artesanales.
En otro aspecto de mi vida, el emprendimiento es una forma de desarrollo profesional que también me ha movido a diferentes proyectos. Entre ellos, Micielo, una empresa de bolsos artesanales que fundé hace algunos años. Trabajar con otros socios me permitió vivir otras experiencias con artesanos en México.
Q: ¿Qué hay en el proceso de búsqueda de textiles y tejidos de los artesanos?
A: Hay muchos factores a considerar: las habilidades, técnicas, materiales, procesos de trabajo y experiencia de los artesanos.
Los textiles pueden provenir de diferentes orígenes y tener varios significados relacionados con su forma de vida y comunidad.
Las herramientas a menudo son hechas por artesanos directamente en todo el país. Puedes encontrar diferentes tipos, como el telar de cintura o el telar de pedal, así como sus diferentes formas y capacidades.
Q: ¿En qué medida trabaja con los artesanos?
A: He tenido la experiencia de colaborar con artesanos desde el camino académico hasta el emprendimiento y ahora consultar con La Peony.
El trabajo comienza por comprender sus capacidades, talentos, técnicas, diseños, materiales, tiempos de producción, costumbres y formas de vida antes de explorar las posibilidades de colaboración.
Q: ¿Por qué es importante para usted que las empresas de moda o los diseñadores colaboren con los artesanos?
A: Las tendencias y las nuevas generaciones marcan un rumbo en la moda con enfoque al slow fashion, pero los problemas sociales que se concentran justo en las zonas rurales son urgentes siempre. La moda es un camino para impulsar las tradiciones y costumbres y crear oportunidades para tod@s al tiempo que se siguen las tendencias.
Q: ¿Qué tiene el trabajo que te inspira?
A: Me encanta ser maestra. Es un talento que descubrí muy joven, y me enamoré profundamente de él. ¡Estar cerca de las nuevas generaciones y acompañarlas en una de las decisiones más importantes de sus vidas es inspirador!
Igualmente inspirador es colaborar con artesanos, aprender de sus talentos y promover su trabajo. No solo es una obra extraordinaria llena de cultura y tradición sino que también representa a México. Como mexicana, no solo me inspira, me llena de orgullo.
Q: ¿Qué es lo que más aprecia de trabajar con La Peony Clothing?
A: La colaboración y el impacto social al abrir oportunidades para grupos vulnerables como los artesanos me inspiran a diario.
La frecuencia de los viajes depende del proyecto, las necesidades y los objetivos. Cuando se trata de técnicas de diseño y artesanía, es fundamental trabajar cara a cara con los artesanos, entender los procesos y el uso de las herramientas para lograr un concepto y uso aflictivo a los diseños.
Q: ¿Cuáles han sido sus vacaciones más memorables con la familia o los amigos?
A: Nuestros viajes a playas mexicanas y específicamente a playas oaxaqueñas siempre son nuestras favoritas y son parte de la riqueza natural del mismo estado de Oaxaca.
Mom, wife, sister, friend, business owner, volunteer. These are just a few of our highlights as life-long friends. For over 30 years, we have shared many of life's journeys and have always held tightly to the notion that life is a beautiful gift and should be about collecting moments.
We have designed and curated an exclusive collection to empower all women to live life fully and dress boldly.
At a time when women of all ages and backgrounds are redefining what it means to be feminine, their clothing should help them celebrate their beauty and power.